'Bad song' by Yassine Balbzioui

Wednesday 19 December, 5 pm

Florijn 42

Amsterdam Zuidoost

'Bad song' is a result of Balbzioui’s two month BijlmAIR residence, a residence of CBK Zuidoost, SMBA en Stichting FLAT. The ensemble of works in the presentation– paintings, watercolours, and videos - show a complete panorama of his artistic practice, and his universe.

Yassine Balbzioui is an artist of many disciplines. He was born in Morocco in 1972 and he has varied artistic education: from 1992 to 1996 at the School of Fine Arts in Casablanca, Morocco, from 1996 to 2001 at the School of Fine Arts in Bordeaux, France and finally in 2002 at the University California (UC) Berkeley where he undertook studies in cinema.

Balbzioui has exhibited his work at the International Museum of Women in San Francisco, and in 2010, he created the artist collective “Africa light” with Susana Moliner, followed by a series of exhibitions: the National Museum of Mali (Bamako, Africa), as part of the “Biennale Danse l’Afrique Danse”, as well as at Dakar Off in 2010, art residency at Shakers, and solo exhibition"The fish inside me" at the Chateau de La Louviere Montluçon, and the space 29 in Bordeaux, France.

For more information: CBK Zuidoost