There is a reference to her future in the form of a contract with the Lifegem company for manufacturing a diamond from her remains after her death.

At the moment of impact flesh and bone can deflect and compress a bullet, but the price of that deflection is still death, if the shot is a good one.

Before his premature death in 1942, Spies also co-choreographed a number of ‘traditional’ Balinese dances which are still performed to Western tourists today.

According to Edward Topsell, a contemporary of Francis Bacon, it is only through nature’s own writing that we may be initiated into the secrets of life and death.

These have unfolded via reflections on symbolism, fetishism, death, and duration – concepts that have been explored through textual, visual, and performative experiments.

This film, which draws its title from the 1980 video series Faces of Death that depicts realistic death scenes, only shows the tapes of the six video’s the series consist of.

His breakthrough came with his studies Seven Minutes: The Life and Death of the American Animated Cartoon and The History of Forgetting: Los Angeles and the Erasure of Memory.

Being inside Colton’s studio has itself a quality of life and death, of being in a museum of ancient casts or a cold storage depot, a cross between an abbatoir and the quarries of Carrara.

And rigged up with a small charge, chest protected by a small metal plate, the actor can rise from the dead with a sly smile on his face, a whoop from the crew and a nod from the director for an injury well received and another death defeated.

She smelt the horses, the heard the voices of the troopers, she saw a stream of details that cameras miss, she had to wait for hours and had the feeling that the silence of the crowds around her and the advancing coldness made death more present.

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